Minggu, 06 November 2016

Download OTA + Custom ROM Jellybean 4.1.1 galaxy young GT-S5360

Cara upgrade, instal Jellybean 4.1.1 untuk galaxy young GT-S5360. Download OTA + Custom ROM Jellybean 4.1.1 galaxy young GT-S5360. Custom ROM ini akan merubah galaxy young GT-S5360 dari Gingerbread 2.3.6 menjadi Jellybean 4.1.1 (JELLYBLASTV3). Dengan cara upgrade ke versi Jellybean ini, anda dapat melakukan perubahan menu, tampilan, ataupun perbaikan yang dikehendaki. Setelah upgrade (custom rom) akan mendapatkan fasilitas OTA untuk mempermudah pembaharuan Operating system.

Setelah instal Jellybean 4.1.1 di galaxy young GT-S5360, maka fasilitas OTA akan muncul di menu. Apa itu OTA? yaitu singkatan OVER THE AIR yang berfungsi sebagai fasilitas untuk update Operating system Ponsel. OTA secara otomatis akan mendownload, pembaharuan Operating system ponsel, jika muncul atau terdapat update versi terbarunya. Selain itu OTA juga bisa untuk mengatasi BUG yang timbul ataupun penambahan fitur.

Simak dulu cara upgrade/instal Jellybean 4.1.1 galaxy Y GT-S5360.

Setelah upgrade, anda bisa download OTA (update-an) yang anda inginkan:

Lag fix, fixed black text on popups, stability
fix, better pop ups and buttons,

1. Refined and polished status bar: Roboto clock
Fixed overlapping of Settings button and clear button.
Original JellyBean signal icons.
Improved swipe to clear.
2. Contacts app has hd contact image support.
3. Golden Play music icon and themed music background.
4. More polished and beautiful framework. Added back the original
jellybean battery icon.
5. Gallery with lockscreen wallpaper support.(Those who want back the
original ICS Gallery can download it under Troubleshooting below...)
6. An awesome messaging app:
Fixed white on white text bug.
No auto sms to mms conversion.
Theme support.
Added original ICS emoticons.
7.Built in ADBLOCKER.
8.Improved phone app.

.Audio Enhancements:
i. BEATS™ audio for Marvellous, crisp sound. ( remember to exclude it
from your task killer)
ii. SONY XLOUD™ enhancement for controlling sound distortion in high
sound levels.
iii. SRS WOW® HD.
iv. Dolby Digital 3D surround sound.
2. SONY CYBERSHOT™ Camera enhancements: Clearer image even after zoom and larger image size ( 100%).
Adapted from Cybershot mod by Rizal Lovins.
3. Real JellyBean version image. ( Check by multiple clicking the Android Version number under Settings/About
4. New wallpapers from CM10, GS3 and JellyBean. ( Thanks to Hmhadi98).
5. New GS3 lockscreen font and animation.
6. New AOKP inspired Status Bar toggles.
7. New bootanimation by Emanula, fixed by Alan.
8. New System App installer, this can be used to install apps directly to System. Useful when you want to replace
System apps.
9. New ICS on-off buttons in Settings and framework.
10.Better RAM usage.
11.Fixed alarm bug.
12. Latest Jellybean Youtube and PlayStore.
13. Improved MMS app.
14. Improved Dialer app.

1.Smoother framework.
2.Revamped UI.
vi.FM Radio.
vii. Clock App.
( Modded from HOLO theme by Alin Marin. Thanks!)
4.Integrated Adrenaline Engine.
5.Loopy Smoothness.
6.Improved boootanimation and boot sound by Ritayan.
7.A much improved hosts file.
8.StatusBar Greper ( available as a separate patch on my xda page-look below ).

OTA JELLYBEAN LIMA Pre-Nemesis (Version 3.5 ):
1.Smoother framework.
2.Inbuilt JB Lockscreen.
3.New clock app.
5.All Black on black bugs fixed!!!!
6.Creed parts replaced with Lidroid parts. (Lockscreen menu forced to close)
7.New toggles from CM7 ics theme.
8.Google MDPI boot animation.
9.Fixed default sounds in build.prop

Cara instal OTA:

1. Pindahkan File OTA (Zip) tersebut ke SD CARD/OTA-UPDATER/DOWNLOAD

2. Setelah di pindahkan, buka SETTINGS, pilih CHECK FOR UPDATE

3. Jika muncul notifikasi hidupkan WIFI, hidupkan saja meski tidak ada Wifi disana.

4. Lanjut pilih CHECK FOR UPDATE lagi, jika muncul pemberitahuan di Ignore saja. Kalau tampilannya hanya BLANK (kosong), coba tekan tombol Sebelah HOME, lalu pilih VIEW DOWNLOADS ROM

5. Maka akan muncul Update ROM yang tadi anda pindahkan.
6. Pilih file Update ROM tersebut lalu pilih INSTALL
7. Centang di WIPE CHACE saja.
8. Pilih INSTALL dan proses UPDATE akan dimulai
9. Setelah selesai, Ponsel akan Reboot. dan masuk keHome SCREEN.

Selamat, anda berhasil melakukan udate melalui OTA dan silakan atur sendiri setting selanjutnya sesuai yang anda inginkan. Sekian informasi Download OTA + CUSTOM ROM Jellybean 4.1.1 galaxy young GT-S5360.

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